In Afghanistan™
$g&m f9bd 45kd q!?5.
Kandahar Air Field 12/25/09 01:50
Christmas Eve in Afghanistan is no different than any other Christmas away from home; basically it sucks.

Have I mentioned there is no legal liquor on any American base in Afghanistan?
Anyway, there are some highlights. If you own a laptop, you can watch DVDs. Some of the fellows make a big deal out of it, and set up a movie trading and watching group. Others shoot pool, read, or work out. Actually, in comparison to even 20 years ago, most of the bases have pretty sophisticated amenities. Of course, there are some without even the most basic facilities.
Tonight, the ground pounders shot a few flares off. You could tell it was for fun and the holidays, because they didn't open up and spend thirty to forty thousand dollars worth of ammunition. It was fun to watch.
I will be counting my blessings, call home at 0400 which will make it about supper time there. Going to say howdy to all my family and friends that are eating dinner with us.
I hope Y'all have a safe and wonderful Holiday season! Keep your eyes open, and your feet on the ground.
Best Regards, and Happy Hunting!
Albert A Rasch
Member: KAF Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...
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